Our industry is changing, especially for women who are challenging the stereotypes that agriculture and
food production is a male-dominated field. This International Women’s Day, we celebrate our female
leaders who champion equality, broaden perspectives, and improve situations with their perceptions
and experience. Check out a few spotlights below from our management team:
Q: What does LifeLine Foods do to encourage more women in management roles?
A: “Agriculture and milling are very mature industries and with that comes a stigma that they are male-
dominated industries. Personally, with that stigma, it makes me work harder because I know I am part of
the trial period for women. I know that my success and failure will directly impact future women leaders
in this industry. LifeLine has from its inception embraced women in management roles.” – Michelle
Clark, CPA, Chief Financial Officer
Q: How can we encourage more women to pursue a career in such a traditional industry?
A: “Continue to seek young women interested in agriculture or manufacturing by being present and in
front of young people. Show young women what can be done.” – Jennifer Ward, accounting manager
Q: What would you tell your teenage self about pursuing a career?
A: “Have good work ethic. Don’t be afraid to take on new challenges and speak up for yourself. Never
stop wanting to learn more.” – Robynn Atkison, sanitation manager